“How to get from here to there?” – Alternative knowledge production, mobilization, and counter-hegemonic globalization


  • Thomas Muhr




counter-hegemonic knowledge; William Carroll;neo-gramsci;social transformation


Carroll, William K. 2016. Expose, oppose, propose: alternative policy groups and the struggle for global justice. London: Zed Books. ISBN 978-1-78360-603-0. Paperback: 22.99 GBP. / Halifax: Fernwood. ISBN 978-1-55266-834-4. Paperback: 25.00 CAD. Pages: 224.

The organic crisis of hegemonic neoliberal globalization, manifested in aggravated uneven development condensed with ecological unsustainability, requires systemic transformation towards justice globalism. William Carroll’s distinguished 4-year research project integrates network analysis with qualitative interviewing to depict a rich picture of the contribution of counter-hegemonic knowledge production and mobilisation by transnational alternative policy groups (TAPGs) to such an emancipatory alternative future. Grounded in thorough data analysis, dialogue between neo-Gramscian methodology, which recognizes the structure/agency dialectic, and the empirical, makes this book an indispensable resource for proponents of global justice as it overcomes the disempowering voluntaristic localism and anti-statism that underlies much of both mainstream and critical approaches to “progressive” social transformation.


